Sicilian treasures

Archeology in Palermo area

Phoenicians,Greeks, Romans, Arabs,  and more have passed through Sicily. In short feast your eyes on 3000 years of history

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Archeology in Palermo area


  On the top of Mount Adranone, at 1000 meters above sea level, there are ruins of the Siceliota Adranon discovered by the Selinuntines of the 6th century BC, was then destroyed and rebuilt by...

Arab termarium of Cefalà Diana

Arab termarium of Cefalà Diana These spas are one of the few examples left from the Arab period. Beautiful pointed arches embellish this delightful place from the past. The building, with a...

Archeological Palermo

Palermo Archeologica Città meravigliosa, da qualsiasi parte la si guardi. Tracce di mura puniche e romane spuntano da varie parti della città. Di particolare suggestione sono le grotte del monte...

Capo Gallo

The Capo Gallo Nature Reserve contains Monte Gallo, originally formed of carbonate in the Mesozoic era (225 million years ago) to the middle Eocene (54 and 33.7 million years ago). The mountain...

Carburangeli cave

  GPS: 38°10’02.3″N 13°09’40.8″ The cavity is found in the carbonate formations of the Quaternario (about 1,800,000 years ago), carved by the erosion of the sea....

Conca d'Oro and Oreto river

La Conca d’Oro è la pianura (più o meno) sulla quale si adagia Palermo ed alcuni comuni della sua provincia. Avvolta da monti da entrambi i lati ed attraversata al centro dal fiume Oreto il...


   37°46'52.01"N   13° 7'28.26"E     A place of a poignant beauty, among the absolute masterpieces of Sicily that in one fell swoop...

Gurfa caves

 37°44'55.48"N  13°45'14.08"E Spectacular stone complex from whose date is unknown. There are some who think it is from the Neolithic period (5th millenium BC) who...


Alesa (Halaesa) Arconidea is an archeological city that stands between Tusa and Tusa Marina. Founded in 403 BC, it is still the subject of archeological excavations. At Halaesa, there were two...


      Himera was one of the most important of the Greek cities in Sicily. It was settled in 648 BC and saw two major battles, one in 480 and one in 409 BC, both against the...


Jato An ancient city in the Greek period (6th century BC),  it was very much in vogue. Very beautiful was its theatre (photo) which could hold 3000 spectators.  It is located 852 meters above sea...


Maranfusa This area is characterized by the presence of an impressive Arab bridge downstream and at the top of the mountain, ruins of the Castle of Calatrasi (all Arab) and from the traces of a...

Molara cave

Located near the hamlet of Cruillas, on the western outskirts of Palermo, the protected area falls on the slopes of the Billiemi mountain group, typically karst, arid and angular, of undoubted charm...

Montagna dei Cavalli (Hyppana)

Montagna dei Cavalli (Hyppana) The ancient city of Hyppana, the “mountain of horses”, seems to have been right on this site, on the top of mount San Lorenzo at 1007 meters in altitude. It is...

Monte Carcaci

Fra Prizzi e Castronovo di Sicilia questa riserva comprende due rilievi: il Monte Carcaci, alto 1196 m ed il Pizzo Colobria di circa 1000 m. Si accede alla riserva da Portella Riena dove il paesaggio...

Monte Pellegrino

“Il più bel promontorio del mondo”, come lo definì Goethe, si tuffa nel mare della splendida Palermo. Una riserva di oltre 1000 ettari, comprendente l’intero massiccio del monte Pellegrino,...

Monte Pellegrino

Monte Pellegrino (Riserva Naturalistica)   “Il più bel promontorio del mondo”, come lo definì Goethe, si tuffa nel mare della splendida Palermo. Una riserva di oltre 1000 ettari,...

Monte San Calogero

L’antico Euraco, alto 1326 m, a dominio della baia di Termini Imerese è un rilievo carbonatico sulla costa settentrionale siciliana tra i fiumi Torto e San Leonardo. Un tempo rifugio di eremiti,...

Mura Pregne

Mura Pregne The countryside around Termini Imerese and Sciara is full of agriculture but also archeology. Even today it is a very mysterious place and one that had been inhabited from the...

Puntali cave

  Place of great charme. Near the sea of Carini was the lair of many dwarf elephants that lived in Sicily. But there were ‘colleagues’ of the elephants, too, such as hippos,...