Sicilian treasures

Masterpieces in Messina area

The masterpieces not to miss out on if you come to the largest Mediterranean island

All the Sicily you are looking for

Masterpieces in Messina area

Alcantara gorges and river

The name of this river means “the bridge” (al qantarah, in Arabic) and it divides the province of Catania from that of Messina. The Alcantara, where in the past the Arabs tried to breed...

Argimusco and Malabotta forest

  A great and magic place. The best way to approach it is from Montalbano Elicona. Located between the Peloritani mountains and the Nebrodi mountains, the Malabotta wood (700 - 1300 m asl)...

Eolian islands

Eolian islands These islands are volcanic and were named for Eolo, the god of wind. Since prehistoric times they have been a major point of interest for invaders and have been conquered by a...

Greek Theatre of Taormina

Greek Theatre of Taormina     Behind the city walls of Taormina is what many consider to be the most beautiful Greek Theater in the world.  With the unparalleled views of the...

Isola Bella

The stunning Isola Bella is a small island below Taormina. It was a private property owned by Lady Florence Trevelyan, the wife of the Mayor of Taormina, and a descendats of the English Royal...

Messina regional museum

Ospitato presso l’ex filanda Barbera-Mellinghoff, costruzione tardo-ottocentesca, il museo di Messina presenta diversi dipinti ed opere scultoree (XII-XVIII), di personalità del calibro di...


Naxos       Naxos is the first place where the Greeks landed, we think around 734 BC, and they  arrived there “pushed by the winds,” according to Ephorus. Its founder...

Nebrodi mountain range: forest and road

It is a wonderful walk that wounds the Nebrodi to the heart. 70 kilometers of woods, lakes, landscapes, uncontaminated nature. This marvelous route can be divided into 3 main parts (each of which...

Peloritani mountains

Caratteristiche Generali I monti Peloritani sono una catena montuosa che si sviluppa nella Sicilia nordorientale. Essi si estendono per quasi 70 chilometri da Capo Peloro fino al confine con i vicini...

San Teodoro cave

  This huge cave formed about 10 million years ago is certainly one of the most representative places in Sicilian history. Surrounded by citrus and olive trees, a stone's throw from the sea...


 Tindari A legendary place perched on a promontory overlooking the sea, Tindari is certainly one of the most beautiful spots in Sicily. It is a very small place, but full of things, almost as if...