Sicilian treasures

Masterpieces in Palermo area

The masterpieces not to miss out on if you come to the largest Mediterranean island

All the Sicily you are looking for

Masterpieces in Palermo area

Antonino Salinas Archaeological Museum

  Il museo è ospitato in questo pregevole edificio cinquecentesco ex Casa dei Padri della congregazione di San Filippo Neri. A seguito delle legge sulla soppressione degli ordini religiosi...

Arab termarium of Cefalà Diana

Arab termarium of Cefalà Diana These spas are one of the few examples left from the Arab period. Beautiful pointed arches embellish this delightful place from the past. The building, with a...

Archeological Palermo

Palermo Archeologica Città meravigliosa, da qualsiasi parte la si guardi. Tracce di mura puniche e romane spuntano da varie parti della città. Di particolare suggestione sono le grotte del monte...

Ficuzza - Rocca Busambra

It is an extremely beautiful place, where art and nature integrate perfectly. The area was born as a hunting reserve for Ferdinand III of Bourbon, in the nineteenth century, and presents a great...

Gemmellaro Geological museum

  Museo bellissimo, affascinante, emozionante ! E’ ospitato nelle sale universitario della facoltà di Scienze della Terra di Palermo. Andiamo a passeggiarlo tra animali di 250 milioni di anni...

Gurfa caves

 37°44'55.48"N  13°45'14.08"E Spectacular stone complex from whose date is unknown. There are some who think it is from the Neolithic period (5th millenium BC) who...


      Himera was one of the most important of the Greek cities in Sicily. It was settled in 648 BC and saw two major battles, one in 480 and one in 409 BC, both against the...


Sull’antica “strada Badia” (oggi via Mandralisca), è questo museo. Sembra quasi di entrare a casa della famiglia Mandralisca, che abitava questa ottocentesca dimora e che aveva nel barone un...

Monte Pellegrino

“Il più bel promontorio del mondo”, come lo definì Goethe, si tuffa nel mare della splendida Palermo. Una riserva di oltre 1000 ettari, comprendente l’intero massiccio del monte Pellegrino,...

Monti Madonie

Caratteristiche Generali Catena montuosa della parte settetrionale della Sicilia caratterizzata da variegati paesaggi e dalla presenza di deliziosi paesini infilati tra i suoi boschi. La vetta più...

Palazzo Abatellis museum

  One of the most important Sicilian museums. It is housed in a splendid fifteenth-century building, of Gothic-Catalan architecture, which was the residence of Francesco Abatellis, Master...

Puntali cave

  Place of great charme. Near the sea of Carini was the lair of many dwarf elephants that lived in Sicily. But there were ‘colleagues’ of the elephants, too, such as hippos,...

Rocca of Cefalù

  Rocca of Cefalù Cefalù, that in Greek means all head, owes its name to the rock fortress that dominates the village (photo) which has a similar shape, that of a head. The beautiful...

Sicani mountains

The Sicani Mountains are a mountain range located in the south-central part of Sicily, between the provinces of Agrigento and Palermo. The area is characterized by hills of a clayey nature or sandy...


 Solunto A Phoenician city founded in the 4th century BC, and from the Carthaginians, was subsequently passed to the Romans in 250 BC.  It is still beautiful owing to its position in the...