
Mamma Paola

Elegante villa con piscina, meravigliosa vista mare a 180°
Le nostre Case Vacanze sono certificate dall'Osservatorio Turistico Regione Siciliana: CIR19082021C205761 (Licenza ufficiale)
3 stanze da letto 6 ospiti 3 bagni
Carini (PA) Casa:200m2 Giardino:550m2 Piscina:8x4 x 1,40 mt depth

Mamma Paola si trova in una zona residenziale estremamente tranquilla e gode di una fantastica vista a 180° sul mare. La villa è ubicata in una posizione perfetta, in quanto gode di tutte le caratteristiche che un viaggiatore cerca quando vuole visitare la Sicilia: dista 2 km dalle bellissime spiagge; si trova a 10 minuti dall’aeroporto di Palermo; si trova a 30 km dal centro della città di Palermo; è a soli 40 minuti da Scopello, San Vito Lo Capo e altre meravigliose e famose località di questa costa; da qui, è facilissimo raggiungere tutte le più importanti località della Sicilia Occidentale e non solo.

La villa, aperta su tutti e quattro lati, si sviluppa su due livelli ed è circondata da un bellissimo e rigoglioso giardino, con prato all’inglese e alberi ornamentali e da frutta.

La zona piscina è a dir poco strepitosa, con la possibilità di fare il bagno ammirando il fantastico panorama del mare a perdita d’occhio.

Lo stesso panorama si può ammirare da praticamente ogni punto della casa, compresa la terrazza sotto un fresco portico, attrezzata con tavolo da pranzo e barbecue.

Tutto è di nuovissima costruzione: all’interno, l’elegante salone a vetrate consente di sdraiarsi comodamente sul divano senza perdere di vista il panorama e il giardino con la piscina.

Troviamo inoltre: un’attrezzata e luminosa cucina abitabile; una camera matrimoniale con bagno in camera; un'altra matrimoniale,una camera doppia e altri due bagni.

Lo stile è elegante, pulito, raffinato e funzionale; l’illuminazione della casa è studiata per creare una rilassante atmosfera lavorando in simbiosi con la luce naturale che invade la casa durante l’intera giornata.


Camere da letto (3) e bagni (3): una camera matrimoniale con bagno privato con doccia; una camera matrimoniale: una camera doppia. Due bagni con doccia.


aria condizionata
piscina privata
parcheggio privato
The house, the pool, the sea
The house, the pool, the sea
Mamma Paola is located in an extremely quiet residential area and enjoys a fantastic 180° view of the sea.
Mamma Paola is located in an extremely quiet residential area and enjoys a fantastic 180° view of the sea.
Infinity pool, infinity ocean
Infinity pool, infinity ocean
The pool is 8x4 x 1,40 mt depth
The pool is 8x4 x 1,40 mt depth
The villa is located in a perfect position, from here, it is very easy to reach all the most important places in Western Sicily and beyond.
The villa is located in a perfect position, from here, it is very easy to reach all the most important places in Western Sicily and beyond.
Isola delle Femmine cape on the background
Isola delle Femmine cape on the background
Luxurious furnishments
Luxurious furnishments
Sicily is the land of friendly people, good food, warm sun
Sicily is the land of friendly people, good food, warm sun
Breakfast, lunch, dinner? Anyway, it's always with this gorgeous seaview
Breakfast, lunch, dinner? Anyway, it's always with this gorgeous seaview
Fish or meat: BBQ facing the Mare Nostrum
Fish or meat: BBQ facing the Mare Nostrum
The power of bella Sicilia
The power of bella Sicilia
Reading a book, drinking a drink, smoking a cigra ... or just meditating
Reading a book, drinking a drink, smoking a cigra ... or just meditating
The pool area is nothing short of amazing, with the possibility of swimming while admiring the fantastic panorama of the sea as far as the eye can see.
The pool area is nothing short of amazing, with the possibility of swimming while admiring the fantastic panorama of the sea as far as the eye can see.
Parquet, pool, lawn, sea
Parquet, pool, lawn, sea
Mamma Paola is located in Villagrazia di Carini a nice sea town in Palermo area
Mamma Paola is located in Villagrazia di Carini a nice sea town in Palermo area
Mediterranean sea always on your side
Mediterranean sea always on your side
Everything is brand new: inside, the elegant living room with windows allows you to lie comfortably on the sofa without losing sight of the panorama and the garden with the pool.
Everything is brand new: inside, the elegant living room with windows allows you to lie comfortably on the sofa without losing sight of the panorama and the garden with the pool.
Enjoy a Sicilian meal: what about swordfish with tomato salade and pasta alla Norma?
Enjoy a Sicilian meal: what about swordfish with tomato salade and pasta alla Norma?
We also find: an equipped and bright kitchen, a double bedroom with en-suite bathroom, two other double bedrooms and two bathrooms.
We also find: an equipped and bright kitchen, a double bedroom with en-suite bathroom, two other double bedrooms and two bathrooms.
And do not miss to enjoy tthe street food: panelle, panino con la milza, stighhiola, sfincione, granita.  Pasta? Alla Norma; alle sarde; Busiate alla trapanese.
And do not miss to enjoy tthe street food: panelle, panino con la milza, stighhiola, sfincione, granita. Pasta? Alla Norma; alle sarde; Busiate alla trapanese.
Bedrooms (3) and bathrooms (3): one double bedroom with ensuite bathroom with shower; two double bedrooms. Two bathrooms with shower.
Bedrooms (3) and bathrooms (3): one double bedroom with ensuite bathroom with shower; two double bedrooms. Two bathrooms with shower.
Fine materials throughout the house
Fine materials throughout the house
Ground floor bedroom facing the garden
Ground floor bedroom facing the garden
Mamma Paola is located in a residential area with other nice villas in the neighbouring
Mamma Paola is located in a residential area with other nice villas in the neighbouring
A very exclusive shower is waiting for you!
A very exclusive shower is waiting for you!
The stylish staircase of Mamma Paola
The stylish staircase of Mamma Paola
The villa, open on all four sides, spread over two levels and is surrounded by a beautiful and lush garden, with lawn and ornamental and fruit trees.
The villa, open on all four sides, spread over two levels and is surrounded by a beautiful and lush garden, with lawn and ornamental and fruit trees.
The table, the food, the sea view
The table, the food, the sea view
The style is elegant, clean, refined and functional; the lighting of the house is designed to create a relaxing atmosphere working in symbiosis with the natural light that invades the house throughout the day.
The style is elegant, clean, refined and functional; the lighting of the house is designed to create a relaxing atmosphere working in symbiosis with the natural light that invades the house throughout the day.
Mediterranean vegetation at Mamma Paola
Mediterranean vegetation at Mamma Paola
The lower garden and the nice facade of Mamma Paola
The lower garden and the nice facade of Mamma Paola
That's life
That's life
A lovely holiday home, isn't it?
A lovely holiday home, isn't it?
The upper garden leads to the pool
The upper garden leads to the pool
Palermo the capital of Sicily, with its gorgeous monuments, markets, beaches and street food is just 10 kms away.
Palermo the capital of Sicily, with its gorgeous monuments, markets, beaches and street food is just 10 kms away.
Stylish olive trees
Stylish olive trees
The villa, open on all four sides, spread over two levels and is surrounded by a beautiful and lush garden, with lawn and ornamental and fruit trees.
The villa, open on all four sides, spread over two levels and is surrounded by a beautiful and lush garden, with lawn and ornamental and fruit trees.
The upper garden and the lower garden, the pool the house, the sea
The upper garden and the lower garden, the pool the house, the sea
The sandy beach is about 2 kms away
The sandy beach is about 2 kms away
Staircase to the pool
Staircase to the pool
The house is located in Villagrazia di Carini a nice town by the sea.  In a perimeter of 500 meters you will find supermarkets, Bars, beach, pharmacy, ATM, butchery, bakery...
The house is located in Villagrazia di Carini a nice town by the sea. In a perimeter of 500 meters you will find supermarkets, Bars, beach, pharmacy, ATM, butchery, bakery...
Beach, 2 km
Beach, 2 km
Caporama, nature and sea, 10 km
Caporama, nature and sea, 10 km
Fishmarket at Villagrazia di Carini, 2 km
Fishmarket at Villagrazia di Carini, 2 km
Palermo, 10 kms away, by Bengt Nyman - Flickr DSC_0421, CC BY 2.0, from wikipedia
Palermo, 10 kms away, by Bengt Nyman - Flickr DSC_0421, CC BY 2.0, from wikipedia
Trapani and Erice (on the top), 60 kms
Trapani and Erice (on the top), 60 kms
Valley of the temples, 90 km, photo by General Cucombre from New York, USA Uploaded by Markos90, CC BY 2.0
Valley of the temples, 90 km, photo by General Cucombre from New York, USA Uploaded by Markos90, CC BY 2.0
Segesta: temple, theatre, mosquee, 40 km
Segesta: temple, theatre, mosquee, 40 km

La zona

By Giovanni Vallone (President of MammaSicily, writer, author)

Distanza dal mare: Sandy beach at 2 km
Distanza dal supermercato: Villagrazia di Carini, 2 km
Distanza dal ristorante: Villagrazia di Carini, 2 km
Distanza dal centro abitato: Villagrazia di Carini, 2 km
Distanza dall'aereoporto: Palermo, 8 kms - Trapani, 60 kms
Distanza dall'ospedale/pronto soccorso : Palermo, 10 km

La casa si trova a Villagrazia di Carini una graziosa cittadina sul mare.

In un perimetro di 500 metri troverete supermercati, bar, spiaggia, farmacia, bancomat, macelleria, panificio...

Nelle vicinanze c'è Carini famosa per il suo meraviglioso castello e per la drammatica storia di una sua abitante: Laura Lanza di Trabia (la Baronessa di Carini).

Tutt'intorno alla zona ci sono splendide spiagge (foto, spiaggia di Capaci, a 3 km dalla casa) per il tuo bagno siciliano.


Palermo (foto) il capoluogo della Sicilia, con i suoi splendidi monumenti, mercati, spiagge e street food è a soli 10 km di distanza.

Palermo è in realtà una delle città più belle e particolari del mondo.

Palermo, by Bengt Nyman - Flickr DSC_0421, CC BY 2.0, from wikipedia

Segesta, l'area archeologica con il suo tempio, teatro e moschea, dista 40 km.

C'è una bella riserva naturalistica, proprio sul mare, a Caporama (10 km).

Perché non trascorrere una giornata all'aria aperta visitando la Valle dei Templi Unesco (foto) ad Agrigento: meno di 100 km e sarete arrivati.

Valley of the Temples, photo by General Cucombre from New York, USA Uploaded by Markos90, CC BY 2.0


70 km ed ecco la città medievale di Cefalù famosa in tutto il mondo per i suoi monumenti come la Cattedrale del XII secolo, i castelli e un enigmatico tempio sulla roccia che sovrasta la città, le antiche terme romane, il palazzo Osterio Magno, il Museo Mandralisca con una collezione di quadri, reperti archeologici... e altre curiosità che potrai scoprire passeggiando per gli stretti vicoli di questa meravigliosa cittadina.

Si consiglia di visitare le seguenti località: Riserva naturalistica dello Zingaro (con le sue incantevoli calette, foto) e borgo di Scopello (50 km); Trapani e la medievale, splendida Erice (60 km); Riserva naturalistica di Capo Gallo (15 km)

Cala dello Zingaro, foto di sikeliakali CC BY 2.0

La villa si trova in posizione strategica, a 3 km dall'autostrada e dall'aeroporto a meno di 10 km.

E ora parliamo del cibo!

Da non perdere una visita ad uno dei rinomati mercati all'aperto di Palermo (Ballarò, Capo).

E da non perdere lo street food: panelle, panino con la milza, stighhiola, sfincione, granita.

Pasta? Alla Norma; alle sarde; Busiate alla trapanese.

E assaggia il delizioso pesce del Mediterraneo.


Gruppo di tariffe per 6 ospiti
Costo Giornaliero
Costo Settimanale
Soggiorno Minimo
16/07/2024   20/08/202440028005
20/08/2024   04/09/202435825065
04/09/2024   01/10/202429520655
01/10/2024   01/11/202421515055

Deposito cauzionale: € 300
House management: € 250


Luglio 2024


Media su 13 Recensioni

Canada (VRBO)
Nous avons adoré notre séjour à la maison de Paola et Nino. Maison moderne très bien décorée, telle que sur les photos, avec tout ce dont on a besoin dès l’arrivée. Une vue parfaite sur la mer et les montagnes siciliennes, on ne peut pas s’en lasser. Propriétaires très à l’écoute et répondant rapidement aux questions. Nous avons été étonnés de voir que nous avions dépassé la limite incluse d’utilisation électrique lors de la vérification de fin de séjour, étant donné donne que nous étions seulement deux adultes et que nous avions utilisé la climatisation de manière prudente (il ne faisait pas extrêmement chaud) mais le montant était minime et Nino ne l’a pas exigé. Nous recommandons fortement cette magnifique maison à tous ceux qui veulent visiter la Sicile et plus spécifiquement les alentours de Palerme.
Germania (VRBO)
At the end of April/beginning of May, the three of us spent a lovely and relaxing week in this beautiful villa. Every morning began with a jump into the cold water of the pool. At night, we missed a warmer duvet. The view during the day and in the evening was simply fantastic. Communication with Paola was uncomplicated and very nice. We felt very comfortable.
Germania (VRBO)
We spent 10 days here in autumn. The house can be reached from Palermo airport in a few minutes, but you can't see or hear anything from the airport. The location is perfect as a starting point for everything around Palermo. There is a large shopping centre a few kilometres away. The house is slightly elevated on a hill with great unobstructed views of the sea. You can also see the sea from the large pool. The house itself is very spacious and generous, very clean and well maintained. The landlords are very friendly and helpful.
Germania (VRBO)
We have had a great time. The house was perfect for a group of 6 adults. The cleaniless was good, but good be better in some bathrooms, for us it was ok anyway ? We would come back
Superb location tremendous view of the local bay Excellent hosts who were very friendly and extremely helpful with local knowledge. Beautiful villa Would definitely recommend and would return
Wonderful home with spectacular views in the small town of Carini. We enjoyed the peaceful nature of the property and wonderful pool to cool off. Nino and Paolo were amazing hosts with timely communication and great ideas for local attractions and restaurants. We fell in love with Sicily and hope to come back soon for another family vacation.
Francia (VRBO)
Amazing place, amazing food, amazing drivers !
Francia (VRBO)
Nous avons passé un très bon séjour dans la maison et nous recommandons vivement cet endroit très pratique pour les excursions dans la région. Facile et rapide d'accès en arrivant par avion car très proche de l'aéroport. Très bon accueil.
Uk (Mammasicily)
A fantastic week, beautifully furnished villa. The view made us dreaming. We were really happy to spend our holidays here.
Usa (VRBO)
Communication was great ahead of check in and check out. Fantastic amenities to the home and beautiful features. Excellent location with incredible views and nice pool.
USA (Vrbo)
We have been touring Sicily for a month. We were looking for a place where if we did NOT want to go anywhere, the ambiance would be great by itself. This really hit the note. We had the property for a week. There were a number of days because we were physically tired from touring. The house, its views, and its overall ambiance made just hanging there a pleasure.
Francia (Airbnb)
II spent in this wonderful villa a week with my girlfriend and another couple of friends. The house has exceeded all expectations, as the panoramic position was wonderful. Order and cleanliness everywhere, the furniture in excellent condition. The peace and quiet allowed us a real rest.
Olanda (Mammasicily)
The villa is really nice ,ideal for vacation home, new, clean and comfortable. It is equipped with everything necessary and has a nice outdoor area. The pool was wonderful, we enjoyed every moment overlooking the sea. From the location you can easily reach Palermo and other places really beautiful to visit.
We remember this vacation with great pleasure and serenity!

Regole della casa

Soggiorno minimo 5 giorni. Luglio e agosto, 7 giorni.

L'elettricità è inclusa fino ad un consumo di 100 kWh a settimana. Oltre questo punto, avrà un costo di € 0,50 per kWh.

Cauzione € 500 da pagare all'arrivo. Verrà restituito alla partenza.

Tassa di Soggiorno, se prevista, da pagare all'arrivo da 1-2 euro a persona.

Termini di cancellazione

Quando il cliente annulla una prenotazione 60 giorni o più dalla data di arrivo, il cliente sarà totalmente rimborsato.

Quando il cliente annulla una prenotazione 59 giorni o meno dalla data di arrivo, il proprietario tratterrà l'intera somma pagata a titolo di penale di cancellazione.

Case correlate