
Carburangeli cave

A book of Sicilian history ...

Carburangeli cave

Grotta Carurangeli entrance, photo by Geositi Sicily
Grotta Carurangeli entrance, photo by Geositi Sicily
Di Esculapio - Opera propria, CC BY-SA 3.0,
Di Esculapio - Opera propria, CC BY-SA 3.0,
Grotta Carburangeli photo by Legambiente website
Grotta Carburangeli photo by Legambiente website


GPS: 38°10’02.3″N 13°09’40.8″

The cavity is found in the carbonate formations of the Quaternario (about 1,800,000 years ago), carved by the erosion of the sea. The formation of the cave is linked to strong variations in the sea level that are caused by climate change that in that period affected Sicily. The repeated displacements of the shoreline have led to the drowning and subsequent re-emergence of the coastal areas, triggering a major geomorphological process that is responsible, in part, for the current shape of the island.

Found here were numerous fossil remains of animals that once roamed Sicily, but also objects used by prehistoric man from the upper Paleolithic and Bronze Age, the proof being a visible charcoal drawing depicting a wizard (figure apotropaic).

In the front area, many fragments of Roman pottery have been recovered.

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