
Formaggio mountain

Formaggio mountain

Formaggio mountain

Monte Formaggio
Monte Formaggio
formaggio-mountain-mamma-sicily (4)
formaggio-mountain-mamma-sicily (4)

formaggio-mountain-mamma-sicily (4)

The name is due to the fact that something seems to have grated this mountain like a piece of parmesan cheese. In reality the particular shape was caused by wind erosion that also brought to light many marine fossils from millions of years ago.
This protruding pyramid, 640 meters high, has a dense eucalyptus forest enhanced by the presence of dwarf palms.



Splendid panoramas open to the Gulf of Gela. The whole area is a real archeological field with much historic testimony covering all the centuries. Above all we cite: the Statio Sophiana and Mount Bubbonia; but also, the nearby Grassuliato Castle.

The artichokes from this area are the best!


There are a lot of birds who live here, among others the hoopoe (photo).

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