Museo che riporta indietro nel tempo, nella Sicilia dei pastori, dei taglialegna, dei carbonai, dei cacciatori …
Nel museo vi sono numerose sezioni che ci raccontano di questi tempi che...
Few remains of the ancient Abacaenum but a good occasion to visit Tripi, a nice little town in the hinterland of Messina, with a beautiful museum of Abacaenum and a nice walk from the centre of the...
Solo la sede del museo vale il prezzo del biglietto: il castello normanno a pianta rettangolare, di 33m di altezza, del XII secolo
Il museo ospita soprattutto materiale proveniente dal territorio di...
In the western part of the province is the Greek city of Adrano dating from the 5th century BC. It was one of the most important in Sicily. Today it’s ruins are sadly encased in cement. What...
On the top of Mount Adranone, at 1000 meters above sea level, there are ruins of the Siceliota Adranon discovered by the Selinuntines of the 6th century BC, was then destroyed and rebuilt by...
Aeolian islands
Le isole Eolie (Vulcano, Lipari, Salina, Stromboli, Panarea, Alicudi e Filicudi), arcipelago patrimonio Unesco nella parte settentrionale della Sicilia, sono 7...
Uno dei musei più importanti del mondo che conserva soprattutto i reperti dell’antica Akragas, potenza siceliota del V sec a.C. Di grandissimo impatto emotivo sono certamente la collezione...
Spectacular Siceliota (of the Greeks of Sicily) city of the 7th century BC, Akray was one of the most important colonies of Syracuse and it is located at the top of a hill. There are several...
The reserve extends over the summit of Mount Bonifato, 825 m a.s.l., of calcareous origin, overlooking the city of Alcamo.
In the area there are many amusements as adventure park and a picnic area....
The name of this river means “the bridge” (al qantarah, in Arabic) and it divides the province of Catania from that of Messina. The Alcantara, where in the past the Arabs tried to breed...
One of the masterpieces of Sicilian naturalistic-archeology where both countryside and the works of man triumph.
Ancient Noto is referred to thusly to distinguish it from the newer town of...
Housed inside the archaeological area of the same name, it preserves the finds of the homonymous Greek-Punic site (IV-V century BC) of Monte Adranone, including a series of prestigious bronze belts...
The Antiquarium, in addition to the archaeological finds found in the area, preserves the sections and plans relating to the various areas of the town (from the middle of the Bronze Age to the 5th...
Located inside the archaeological park close to the imposing Timoleontee fortification walls, it displays photographs, ceramics, coins, ... found in the area.
The photo shows a Tetradracma of Gela of...
Si trova all’interno dell’omonima colonia siceliota e contiene reperti che vanno dal VI al I sec a.C.: vasi di ceramica e terracotta, monete di bronzo, metalli, utensili vari, sculture in pietra...
Inside the archaeological park of the homonymous and very famous colony siceliota (destroyed in 408 BC by the Carthaginians) is this very rich museum.
There are preserved the most remarkable finds...
The museum has been built from the premises of the former female prison (1816) and you can still admire the thick walls and the six cells, today as many rooms, communicating with the corridor-entrance...
The museum is located on the top of Mount Kronio. The caves in the area have returned findings from prehistoric and historical times including forty large vases of the third millennium BC. Inside the...
Housed in the eighteenth-century Interlandi masseria, in one of the most evocative places of the whole Sicily, the museum stand on the slopes of the homonymous archaeological area.
Among prickly pears...
The antiquarium, a building dating back to the end of the 19th century, exhibits some of the most prestigious and representative finds from the excavations of Mount Jato, were stood the ancient town...